the league's latest
Thank You Craft Ladies!
May 10, 2022

Big Sister League would like to recognize all of the hard work and efforts of the San Diego Chapter of the Federally Employed Women. We affectionately call them the “Crafty Ladies” because of the time they take to come to our homes to teach and do crafts with our residents. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, their visits to the homes had to come to a halt. This however, did not stop our beloved Crafty Ladies from letting us know they still wanted to contribute to our organization. During the pandemic, they provided our homes with weekly food donations, craft supplies and generous holiday gift bags for our residents.
We were thrilled to recently welcome the Crafty Ladies back into the homes for a Bingo Pizza Party night. The Crafty Ladies furthered their generosity that evening by providing BSL a sizeable monetary donation.
We cannot thank you enough for all of your continued support, Crafty Ladies!