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Big Sister League Changes Name to “Sister League of San Diego”
May 16, 2022

In 2022, after eight decades of serving women in need, Big Sister League changed its name to “Sister League of San Diego”.
“As the organization approached 80 years of service to underserved women, we decided that a more empowering name and inspiring logo to reflect a transformation was needed,” said Board President Jessica Aminoff. “The new logo captures our mission for the residents to recover, rise and flourish towards a life of independence.”
Per Executive Director Nuria-Haro Lopez, the demographics of the women served changed since the non-profit began in 1942, and the new name and logo reflect the agency’s support of its residents as equals. “We’re very excited about the rebranding, as we see our residences as sisters, not mentees, as the word “big” may imply,” Haro-Lopez said.